Orange Pi update - OrangePiRetro + TV HD + Jukebox IMG de 32GB com 9422 Games

Value 9 U$ To Buy send a email to advising of the buy, Need an email from gmail to authorize on google drive download
Attention: Compatible with OrangePi PC, OrangePi One, Orange Pi Lite, Retroengine Sigma Etc .... Only H3 CPU

On purchase you get toast design arcade converted bartop to A4 paper common printer, mark option poster on printing with adobe pdf reader, and autocad project.

New Update Change Log:

01 - You can now choose between 3 themes: ComicBook, Pixel, Dark-Px

02 - All updated and new TV addons added

03 - Now with a new category at the top of each console will have games Hacks, games translated into Portuguese, games translated from Japanese to English, games not officially licensed, all games that exist for each platform in Portuguese that I found I added if there was any missing I ask you to add it manually.

04 - New opening intro with new sound in arcade style to match with Bartop machine, which is my original project this image goes to my bartop.

05 - Mupen64 plus updated and working, Kodi 17.1 updated

06 - Nintendo 64 menu fix when pressing select + X would not open.

07 - added in the system line the virtualboy emulator that previously did not have.

08 - Dreamcast control set by default with xbox360 joystick

09 - PSP emulator is configured for the installed games.

10 - Now you have 3GB of free images so that Torrent makes the buff of movies to watch in time without erro, and also helps with some compressed games, always leave space to not bug the Torrent.

12 - Linux with some changes in appearance and some optimizations in Firefox for loading websites faster.

NOTE: For Orange PI, MicroSD 32GB Class10 of 29.7GB if your microSD card is smaller than 29.7GB do not buy because it will not work.

Comments and clarifications: I am selling the backup of my microSD to Download with all the work I had until today to configure and leave to my liking for my machine bartop, were 1 year of research and configuration attempts until getting to the point that is today, the software is Totally free, for anyone who wants to mount their mini pc on the official creators website, if you want to try to mount your own system, if you do not have the time or do not know how to mount, you can buy my image ready for only u$ 9 on paypal transfer. Just record and use. I'm only charging for the image editing job.

Nova Atualização Log de mudanças:

01 - Agora pode escolher entre 3 temas: ComicBook, Pixel, Dark-Px

02 - Todos os addons de TV atualizados e novos adicionados

03 - Agora com nova categoria no topo de cada console vai ter jogos Hacks, jogos traduzidos para português, jogos traduzidos do Japonês para ingles, jogos não licenciados oficialmente, todos os jogos que existe para cada plataforma em português que achei eu adicionei se faltou algum peço que adicione manualmente.

04 - Nova introdução de abertura com novo som no estilo arcade para combinar com maquina de Bartop, que é o meu projeto originalmente essa imagem vai para minha bartop.
